Location, open hours & contact


You'll find us at 116 Balmoral Road, Mount Eden, Auckland, halfway between Dominion Road and Mount Eden Road. It's the farm behind the long rock wall where Christmas Trees are growing, look out for the Misa Christmas Tree signs.


Open hours

Christmas Eve 2024, we are open until 5:30pm


Regular open hours during Nov/Dec season. 

Monday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday 9:00am - 8:00pm


Contact details

Christmas Trees sales

Jan-Oct contact Mike on 027 239 2716 or sales@misachristmastrees.co.nz

Nov-Dec: contact the team 09 630 5365 or 021 270 5365 

Please include your order number for existing orders.


Landscape Trees and Topiary sales

Contact Mike on 027 239 2716 or sales@misalandscapetrees.co.nz



Frequently asked questions


Before you call us please see frequently asked questions below:

1. Do we sell Christmas Trees? Yes we do, real Christmas Trees big and small.

2. Are you open? We are open seven days a week from 9am until 8pm during the Christmas Tree season (see dates above).

3. Can I just come down and buy a tree? Yes drive down the driveway and we have sheds stocked with fresh cuts trees. We accept eftpos / credit card / cash. 

4. Do you sell Christmas Tree stands? Yes, we sell a range of quality stands.

5. Do you deliver Christmas Trees? Yes we do seven days a week. Book here.

6. Do you collect Christmas Trees? Yes we do, seven days a week. Book here.

7. When will my tree arrive? On the day of delivery we will text you. If you don't hear from us text 027 239 2716 with your order number and we'll do our best.

8. How much are your trees? We have trees from $45. See full price list here.

8. What is Misa Landscape Trees?  This is our sister brand selling topiary and nicely sculpted trees to the Landscape market. Visit Misa Landscape Trees website here